2023 has marked a new achievement for MAI We Care! We joined Runway of Dreams Foundation’s efforts to give people with disabilities access to fashion inclusion.
Active College Club Participation
On March 2023, for the first time, MAI We Care participated on The Adaptive Exhibit led by Runway of Dreams Club at Marist College in New York @runwayofdreamsmarist. During this exhibit, we shared the floor with fashion adaptive apparel brands and dressed talented models with disabilities for a powerful, stylish & revolutionary exhibit! The Adaptive Exhibit at Marist College was a total success! This participation led us to be part of many other college exhibits and adaptive fashion shows, including @runwayofdreamsduke, @ksurunwayofdreams, @runwayofdreamsumich, @runwayofdreams.udel among others.
All these college clubs, hosted by Runway of Dreams, showcased on their runways adaptive fashion from a variety of different companies and brands from around the world, including Zappos Adaptive (zappos.com & @zappos), No Limbits (no-limbits.com), One Leg Up (onelegupbrand.com) and a collection of small adaptive brands. All with the same mission: to empower people with disabilities through fashion inclusion.
First time in an Adaptive Fashion Show during New York Fashion Week
Today we are honored to be part of the upcoming Runway of Dreams Foundation ́s A FASHION REVOLUTION 2023 RUNWAY SHOW! During this exciting event dozens of adaptive industry companies will come together and proudly share the runway to feature their adaptive apparel, footwear and accessories worn by +70 talented models of different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds and disabilities. https://www.runwayofdreams.org/copy-of-a-fashion-revolution-ny-2022
The Fashion Revolution 2023 Runway Show will take place during New York Fashion Week on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6:00 pm and will be hosted at Powerhouse Arts facility in Brooklyn, NY. Save the Date, and together with MAI We Care, come witness the runway where dreams become reality, and diversity shines its brightest!
Read all about this exciting event at runwayofdreams.org or follow @runwayofdreams @maiwecare for updates and upcoming events. The exhibit has been made possible by key individuals form the Runway of Dreams Foundation, especially Mindy Scheier @mindyscheier
#RunwayOfDreams #AFashionRevolution #NYFW2023 #adaptivefashion #adaptiveclothing #adaptiveclothes #functionalfashion #inclusiveclothing #inclusivefashion #inclusivedesign #disabled #peoplewithdisabilities #MaiWeCare #thisisMAIjourney